What Price Better Health?
By:Daniel Callahan
Published on 2003-10-06 by Univ of California Press
The idea that we have an unlimited moral imperative to pursue medical research is deeply rooted in American society and medicine. In this provocative work, Daniel Callahan exposes the ways in which such a seemingly high and humane ideal can be corrupted and distorted into a harmful practice. Medical research, with its power to attract money and political support, and its promise of cures for a wide range of medical burdens, has good and bad sides—which are often indistinguishable. In What Price Better Health?, Callahan teases out the distinctions and differences, revealing the difficulties that result when the research imperative is suffused with excessive zeal, adulterated by the profit motive, or used to justify cutting moral corners. Exploring the National Institutes of Health's annual budget, the inflated estimates of health care cost savings that result from research, the high prices charged by drug companies, the use and misuse of human subjects for medical testing, and the controversies surrounding human cloning and stem cell research, Callahan clarifies the fine line between doing good and doing harm in the name of medical progress. His work shows that medical research must be understood in light of other social and economic needs and how even the research imperative, dedicated to the highest human good, has its limits.
This Book was ranked at 40 by Google Books for keyword beyond therapy biotechnology and the pursuit of happiness.
Book ID of What Price Better Health?'s Books is Q4uc7ZNRBNIC, Book which was written byDaniel Callahanhave ETAG "jdvKhsWwfaU"
Book which was published by Univ of California Press since 2003-10-06 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780520939233 and ISBN 10 Code is 0520939239
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Book which have "341 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryMedical
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Book was written in en
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