Sabtu, 18 Mei 2019


By:Coach Jennie
Published on 2016-08-20 by Audacity Coach

Hilda must be stopped. We overthink things. We procrastinate. We hold ourselves to impossibly high standards. We fail to make time for what's most important to us. We doubt ourselves. We're afraid of saying no. We never let ourselves cross the finish line. Sometimes we don't even let ourselves cross the starting line. We all have the little voice in the back of our minds reminding us of the risks, the past failures, the potential humiliation, and the loads of fear that come along with chasing our biggest dreams. That little voice is Hilda, your personal inner saboteur. Hilda stops us in our tracks, stomps on our dreams, and keeps us from pursuing what we want in life. And the higher the stakes, the louder she gets! Clearly, Hilda must be stopped. That's where this book comes in. Because even the most ambitious and badass humans can get in their own way and hold themselves back thanks to Hilda and her self-sabotage. Enough already! An amusing yet actionable self-help book, Hilda explores the ways your inner saboteur operates while providing powerful tactics for silencing the noise, getting out of your own way, and realizing your true potential. Drawing from Jennie Mustafa-Julock's expertise in organizational development and ten years as The Audacity Coach, this book will help you become keenly aware of your self-sabotaging ways and arm you with powerful counteractions to get you unstuck and make you unstoppable.

This Book was ranked at 20 by Google Books for keyword latin chic entertaining with style and sass.

Book ID of Hilda's Books is AIUhvgAACAAJ, Book which was written byCoach Jenniehave ETAG "5vOl1J6I+s8"

Book which was published by Audacity Coach since 2016-08-20 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780997983807 and ISBN 10 Code is 0997983809

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