Gay Marriage
By:Jonathan Rauch
Published on 2005-02-01 by Macmillan
A leading Washington journalist argues that gay marriage is the best way to preserve and protect society's most essential institution Two people meet and fall in love. They get married, they become upstanding members of their community, they care for each other when one falls ill, they grow old together. What's wrong with this picture? Nothing, says Jonathan Rauch, and that's the point. If the two people are of the same sex, why should this chain of events be any less desirable? Marriage is more than a bond between individuals; it also links them to the community at large. Excluding some people from the prospect of marriage not only is harmful to them, but is also corrosive of the institution itself. The controversy over gay marriage has reached a critical point in American political life as liberals and conservatives have begun to mobilize around this issue, pro and con. But no one has come forward with a compelling, comprehensive, and readable case for gay marriage-until now. Jonathan Rauch, one of our most original and incisive social commentators, has written a clear and honest manifesto explaining why gay marriage is important-even crucial-to the health of marriage in America today. Rauch grounds his argument in commonsense, mainstream values and confronting the social conservatives on their own turf. Gay marriage, he shows, is a |win-win-win| for strengthening the bonds that tie us together and for remaining true to our national heritage of fairness and humaneness toward all.
This Book was ranked at 32 by Google Books for keyword beyond therapy biotechnology and the pursuit of happiness.
Book ID of Gay Marriage's Books is hGbwxmFIWO0C, Book which was written byJonathan Rauchhave ETAG "JkolVa+rxbA"
Book which was published by Macmillan since 2005-02-01 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781429936743 and ISBN 10 Code is 1429936746
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is false
Book which have "224 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategorySocial Science
This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""
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Book was written in en
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